SIMC Summer Summit 2020
written by
Melina Plakolm

On Friday, 31 July, SIMCies from the current intakes as well as alumni gathered for the annual Summer Summit at the wonderfully located „The View“ right by the Danube. The Summer Summit is an event which is both about networking and celebrating SIMC, and there is usually a theme. This year, we decided to go for the theme “Fête Blanche”.

We kicked off the afternoon with a career fair, in which SIMC alumni from nine companies presented their day-to-day job life as well as career opportunities. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a nice three-course meal and later, we got to dance to some typical SIMC tunes like “Auffi aufn Berg” (you already know we are excited for the next SIMC ski trip).

Due to the circumstances, this year’s summer summit was a bit different and we had to stick to the current hygiene standards.

Nevertheless, this did not keep us from enjoying a great day/evening together. We would like to thank our partner companies, SIMC alumni and current SIMCies for an amazing event together and are looking forward to next year’s Summer Summit!

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Melina Plakolm

Intake 2018 and SIMConnect President 2019/20
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