Women In Business Discussion
written by
Miriam Ciglanska

In honour of International Women’s Day, the SR Department organized a lively panel discussion with three women from different backgrounds. On our panel we had the honour to have Prof. Dr. Patricia Klarner (Researcher and the Director at the WU Institute for Organizational Design), Christiane Wenckheim (Chairwoman of the Board at Ottakringer Getränke AG) and Julia Krenmayr (Co-founder and managing director of Vollpension). During the moderated discussion participants could hear interesting insights, personal stories, what challenges women face in business and how to overcome them and much more.

Some topics we touched upon on were navigating male-dominated industries, the importance of finding one’s voice and not being afraid to speak up as well as how the traditional gender roles still impact the careers of even the most successful women.

I was a great pleasure to open the discussion around this topic among SIMCIES. Many thanks go out to our great speakers, the organizing team and all who participated.

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Miriam Ciglanska

SIMConnect Social Responsibility Department Co-Head
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